Colonoscopy Crabtree Private Surgery

What is a Colonoscopy?

A Colonoscopy is a procedure to check inside your bowels using a long, thin, flexible tube with a camera. This is passed into your bottom so that the Doctor or Specialist Nurse can examine inside your bowels and investigate the symptoms you may be experiencing.

Why do I need a Colonoscopy?

A Colonoscopy helps to examine the large bowel in order to understand the cause of your bowel symptoms. This may include bleeding from your bottom, blood in your stools, persistent diarrhoea or constipation or losing weight.

Colonoscopy can also help identify any changes in growths in your bowels (polyps) or signs of bowel conditions including Crohn’s, Diverticular disease, Ulcerative Colitis or bowel cancer.

Why do I need a Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is usually done when you are awake but it can be done when you are asleep with a Consultant Anaesthetist giving sedation.

You will need to take a medicine to clear the bowel before your procedure (a laxative) and you will be given medicines to make you comfortable during the procedure.

For further information and a video what to expect, please view the NHS website:

Meet Mr. Michael Crabtree

General, Colorectal and Laproscopic Surgeon

I qualified from King’s College School of Medicine (London) in 1995 and went on to train in surgery in the London areas. I finished my Surgical training at St Mark’s hospital in Harrow, the National Centre for Colorectal disease. I also completed a PhD in the genetics of Familial Adenomatosis Polyposis (FAP) jointly at St Mark’s and with Cancer Research UK, at Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London. I therefore have a strong background in both science and surgery.

At Ipswich hospital I have a number of senior roles and leadership is a significant part of my practice. These roles have included: Clinical Lead, Colorectal Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) lead, Surgical Tutor and Health Education East of England (HEEoE) Performance Support Well-being Case Manager. My present Leadership roles include: Foundation Years Training Programme Director (TPD), General Medical Council (GMC) performance assessor Team Leader, and Appraiser and Educational Supervisor. The GMC recognises me as a dedicated trainer, for future doctors. I am trusted to teach the next generation of surgeons and therefore practice using the latest techniques following national guidelines in a professional manner.


  • MBBS King’s College London 1995
  • PhD - London 2001
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 2006
  • Specialist Register (CCT 2007)